March 2012

Dumfries and Galloway Wildlife Festival

Posted on March 4, 2012 at 10:05 pm in

Coming up on 31st March is a two week Wildlife Festival in Dumfries and Galloway.  There are over 80 Wildlife events and I am just spoilt for choice! 

Thinking about it though here in South West Scotland we see wildlife every day. It was only yesterday we were sat out on the decking when two swans flew silently overhead, so silent and majestic. This morning there were so many geese in the sky I lost count – we have Barnacle Geese, Pink Footed Geese, and white fronted geese here in Dumfries and Galloway. The other day I took the Dog for a walk to Wig Bay near Stranraer on the shores of Loch Ryan. It was a beautiful day and there were lots of Geese and Oyster catchers and lots of other waders. Then this morning, with a cuppa, I was watching three Roe Deer grazing in the field behind our house and we only have to go down the lane to see grey Seals basking on the rocks. It is truly amazing! Enough bragging for now!

Anyway back to the Wildlife festival. Looking at the events I think I might try get to the Red Deer tour in the Galloway Forest, the Mull of Galloway guided walk, Stars and stripes Badger watching, the Spring has arrived walk at Logan Botanic Gardens and the Moorland Dawn walk to spot the Hen Harriers, short eared owls, Merlin and Raven. Better get the camera at the ready!

Talking of Camera! My husband is treating me to a one to one photography course with leeming and paterson photographers, a birthday present. I am really looking forward to it as I really need to understand how to use my Nikon to it’s best effect. Anyway Morag at Leeming and Paterson has very kindly offered any holiday makers at Kirklauchline Cottage a 10% discount on 1 or 2 day workshops and a 15% discount on one to one sessions. Anyone coming for a holiday at our cottage who is interested should mention this to me and I will check availability with Morag for you. I will let you know how my day goes (It’s at the end of April).

We still have some availability at our cottage for 2012 so please get in touch if you fancy a holiday in South West Scotland and want to get up close to our fabulous wildlife.
